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Apollo 10

May 18-26, 1969

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Of 4 midcourse corrections scheduled for the second day of the mission, only one was performed. The first was not required; the second was performed by the crew so accurately that the third and fourth corrections were cancelled.

Northern hemisphere

Northern hemisphere
Earth, northern hemisphere

"Just for the record, it looks like a pretty nice place to live."
- Gene Cernan
Earth from 26,000 nautical miles
You sure see a lot of the world from up here.

Capcom (Duke):
Yeah, like maybe all of it.


"What we saw with such marvelous cold clarity was, of course, a round and mottled swirl of blue, brown and white, a small fragment of the cosmos which less than a decade ago had fixed absolute limits upon all of mankind's history. Now suddenly we saw it as a unity, a whole, as the habitation common to all of us, just as it would be seen by a non-human visitor approaching it as the astronauts are approaching the moon, silent, mysterious and seemingly lifeless and motionless. The observer had to remind himself that this was indeed the earth he knew..."
- Baltimore Sun, 5-20-69

Spaceport News
Cover of Spaceland News

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